Prof. Francis Mulaa
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (RIE)


Ladies and gentlemen, I am delighted to welcome researchers, staff and students to join us during the 8th Edition of the University of Nairobi research week, which runs from 28th October to 1st November, 2024 under the theme “Harnessing Research for Resilience and Sustainability of Communities”.

Last year, the University hosted the 7th edition of the Research Week with eighteen (18) blended International Conferences cutting across our ten (10) Academic and Research Faculties, a total of  738 conference papers were presented, which was an increase from 2022. The University of Nairobi Research Week has continued to be a strong platform for fostering student and staff mentorship as well as research partnerships and collaborations especially with students and industry professionals. The meetings became a good market place for sharing knowledge, and explore innovative solutions to contemporary global challenges of our time.

The University of Nairobi remains grateful to our stakeholders both locally and internationally who have continued to partner with us and be part of this great milestone in our communities. Great Minds meet to discuss matters for our global good, through resource sharing, capacity building, and the dissemination of research findings, ultimately driving advancements in various fields and contributing to societal development.

I take this opportunity to warmly welcome you all to the 2024 UoN Research Week and look forward to great discussions which will in time turn provide a platform for improving and sustaining our communities through knowledge creation and dissemination.  




I take this opportunity to welcome all our esteemed guests, paper presenters and partners to the 8th edition of the University of Nairobi Research week, which runs from 28th October to 1 st November 2024. The theme of the Research week is Harnessing Research for Resilience and Sustainability of Communities. This is the same theme that was adopted last year, and we have found it necessary to repeat it this year, owing to the immense interest that it generated. This theme fits quite well with the changing times and calls us to reflect on how best we can begin to solve the many problems that communities experience today. The world is today requires research that will lead to resilience and bring about sustainable solutions to the problems facing communities. There is a lot of research taking place in our universities and around the world, and unless findings of such research efforts are communicated in various fora for critique and possible policy interventions, they may be of very little use. The University of Nairobi Research Week gives researchers this unique opportunity to share their research findings not only with other researchers, but with industry players, research funders, students and other academicians. I call upon researchers, students and practitioners to join us during the Research week as they present papers that challenge the world view. I call upon researchers to take advantage of this opportunity and submit abstracts and papers through the various conferences that are scheduled to take place during the Research week, and be part of this great event. In addition to the many other activities that will be taking place during the Research Week, each conference will have various keynote speakers from both the private and public sector, both local and international, to make presentations on topical issues.

Prof. Justus M. Munyoki
Director, Research, Innovation and Enterprise
University of Nairobi