Certified Trainer with International Labour Organization/ Start and Improve Your Business (ILO/SIYB) Programme.
June holds a Masters Degree in Development Finance. She is pursuing a post graduate diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation from Strategia Netherlands that is to be completed in December 2023.She is a Certified Public Accountant, a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) and the Institute of Directors (IoD).

Head of Shari’ah department and Secretary to the Shariah Supervisory Board of Premier Bank Kenya. Khaled is a Certified Shari’ah Auditor and Advisor (AAOIFI), Securities Commission (Malaysia) registered Shari’ah Advisor and admitted to the legal profession as an Australian lawyer. He holds PhD in Islamic finance, Masters of Comparative Laws, Post Graduate Diploma in International Economic Laws and Bachelors of Laws and Shari’ah.

A seasoned Sustainable Finance, Investment and Legal Professional. I have over fifteen years experience in development finance, and impact investing, having worked with multiple international investment firms. She bring a depth of experience in structuring investment transactions in Renewable Energy, Financial Services, Agribusiness and the FMCG/Retail sectors, and structured deals across Africa, Asia, Europe and the United States .

Professor at the Columbia Business School (CBS). He is a world-renowned expert on ESG, financial reporting issues, fraud, executive compensation, corporate culture and corporate governance. Professor Rajgopal has been internationally recognized for his scholarship on several occasions including the prestigious American Accounting Association (AAA) Notable Contribution to the Literature Award (thrice), Graham and Dodd Scroll Prize given by the Financial Analysts Journal (twice) and the Glen McLaughlin Award for Research in Accounting Ethics (thrice).

He is an accomplished governance, risk and control and financial reporting professional with extensive leadership experience. He has worked in the financial, public and professional services sectors where he has served at various capacities at senior management levels. He has been an adjunct academia since 2007 at both private and public universities where he has taught both undergraduate and graduate courses. He is an accomplished and seasoned trainer in corporate governance, financial reporting, internal audit, ethics & integrity management, risk management, strategy development, IT & knowledgement.