Prof Progress Hove-Sibanda
Logistics and Supply Chain Management Professional and an NRF rated researcher. She is an associate professor in the Department of Logistics, School of Business and Economic Science, Nelson Mandela University.
Prof. Michael J. Mol
Professor of Strategic and International Management in the Department of Strategy and Innovation at Copenhagen Business School and in part-time at Birmingham Business School.
Scott Walker
Chief Executive Officer and Founding Partner Systemic Innovation and African Scale Craft (UK) Scott Walker is the Founding Partner at Systemic Innovation, a systems change innovation agency.
Kiprono Kittony
Chairman of the Nairobi Securities Exchange
Nairobi, Kenya. Chairman of the Nairobi Securities Exchange, the leading securities exchange in East and Central Africa. Prior to this appointment, he was the National Chairman of the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry, the premiere business membership organization in Kenya.