Dr. Robert W. Chiuri
Chairman of Global Standards Resources & Institute (USA). He is a certified global standards lead auditor, for various accredited audit schemes including Quality Management Systems (QMS), Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS), International Organization of Standardization (ISO), Global Food Safety Initiative GFSI’s SQF, PrimusGFS and FSSC among others.
Dr Wilson Songa
Former Principal Secretary in the Government of Kenya and an Agricultural Scientist who has held key senior positions in public and private sector.  Has a Master of Science degree in Crop Science at Wageningen University, The Netherlands, and a PhD in Plant Pathology at the University of Reading, UK.
Dr. Harun Warui
Lead Agroecology and Food Rights Programme at the Heihrich Boell Foundation in Nairobi, Kenya, he provides strategic leadership and oversees projects like the Route to Food Initiative.
Prof. Nicholas Ozor
Executive Director of the African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) Nairobi, Kenya where he has worked for 12 years.
Prof. Agnes W. Mwang’ombe Emeritus
Professor of Plant Pathology, University of Nairobi. She is Steering /Advisory Committee Member, of Global Forum on Agricultural Research (GFAR), Rome and Board member of Center for Corporate Governance (CCG, Kenya). 
David Ojwang Juma,
Sector Leader – Agri-food Systems
SNV Kenya and Burundi. He is a program management, market system, livelihoods and business development specialist, with over 20 years’ experience.