Since 1991, Dr.NarendraDeshmukh is working at HomiBhabha Centre for Science Education, TIFR, Mumbai, India as Senior Scientific Officer-E. He has M.Sc (Animal Physiology), M. Ed, M.A and M.Phil (Education), Ph D (Education) and MBA (HR) degrees. He completed his Postdoctoral study from Marang Centre for Maths and Science Education, Wits School of Education, Johannesburg, South Africa. His research areas are: Students’ Conceptions and Misconceptions, Open Educational Resources, Activity Based Science Learning, Participatory Action Research, Topic Specific Pedagogical Content Knowledge and interested in Tribal & Rural Education, Health Education, Biology Education and Teacher Education. He shared his research experiences in many national and international conferences and published in journals. He is author of 6 books, participated in 4 books and 6 courses, 3 technical reports. He is associated with many national and international educational, biology education research associations.