Prof. Edward Ochieng

Professor Edward Ochieng (PhD): Edward is a Professor of Project Management. Possess extensive experience and knowledge relating to organisational challenges and solution development for managing large capital and heavy engineering projects. My research interest with people and organisational challenges continues but has now been complemented by the need for wider understanding of infrastructure systems, project productivity, project value creation, capital effectiveness, project complexity and political economy and the management of projects. Edited 31 book chapters, published 4 books, 30 book chapters and over 90 refereed papers in high-ranking journals and conferences. Collaborated with academics, industrialists, and the UK Infrastructure Project Authority (IPA) to examine frameworks that could be used to identify and estimate benefits and value (including capital effectiveness) at the front end of public sector projects. Secured an estimated £834,000.00 from a range of funders for several projects and consultancy in project management. Collaborated with academics and industrialists to investigate the promising innovative technology cryogenic energy storage (CES) to solve the problem of how to store excess renewable energy – the research team was awarded €7 million. Supervised 14 PhD students to successful completion and over 300 MSc/MBA industrial projects by research. Currently supervising 17 PhD students. Functioned as an Internal and External Examiner of more than 20 PhD students in Middle East and different UK universities. In recognition of my expertise and contribution to curriculum development, I have been invited by Loughborough University, University of Wales, Open University and University College of Estate Management to act as a programme reviewer. In addition, Edward has been invited by several HEIs to provide specialist curriculum advice on the development of Project Management, Engineering and Business Management programmes at validation events, including the University of Witwatersrand, University of Wales, University of Liverpool, Loughborough University, Open University, and the College of Estate Management.